When I had seen how long it had been since I had posted on this page, I could hardly believe it. But as one gets older, time goes by so fast it's harder to keep track, To be perfectly honest, I am blessed/cursed by having multiple interest and a number of hobbies. Every few years, the level of interest shifts between wargaming, slot cars (Scalextric), book publishing projects and home DIY projects. As a result, I may "disappear" for months (or years) at a time while I indulge my other pastimes. It is what it is, and I make no apologies. I am hoping that in a couple more years I can retire, and not burdened by daily work tasks, can spread my time out more evenly among my many areas of interest.
In any case, I have taken the last few weeks to get caught up on some much-delayed purchases. I did a similar thing last year with my slot cars, buying many of the cars that had come out since my last "buying binge." So I have sought to fill some holes in my arsenal, adding various 1/72 plastic figures and some vehicles that I felt I needed.

About halfway into this effort, I realized it would be helpful to take stock of exactly what I already had, which meant pulling dozens of boxes out of their basement shelves and going through them, making lists of what I had. Tedious, yes...but rather eye-opening, as I found a lot of things I had forgotten about, including many boxes of figures from time periods I may never find time to indulge in. The basic realization here is that I will likely never have time to paint up large Ancient Roman and Barbarian Armies, 30YW or ECW armies, or WWI armies using the boxes of figures I have. Likewise, some of the rules and reference books may have to find a new home, with the result that I can devote more time (and space) to those periods where I already have a solid start.
And I need the time. I'm pretty good as WWII tankage goes; I could use a few auxiliary vehicles (AA, armored cars, etc.) and trucks. You can never have too many trucks, I guess. A fair amount still need to be painted, as do figures--as most of the "play ready" groups I have are German and Soviet. While I have about 80 bases of 1/72 (20mm) medievals painted up, I have scads more to organize and prep as well. I also need to figure out a better way of storing my finished stuff, as the shallow cardboard shipping boxes are outliving their usefulness.
As an admitted procrastinator, the challenges ahead will not only include handling those tasks but also sorting and selling most of the figures, books and other items I will never use--probably posting them on eBay or on someplace like TMP.
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